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What are the 3 T's and how do they affect me and my family?


When we talk about nervous system stress, we categorize into three different groups! Although they are different stressors, they take a toll on how the brain + body communicate with one another.

Emotional stress can build up and may show up as things like mental health struggles, hyperactivity, or adrenal fatigue.

Chemical stress can build up and show up as things like allergic reactions, eczema, or food intolerances.

Physical stress can build up and show up as things like muscular fatigue or soreness, headaches/migraines, and struggles with motor control.

It’s important to be aware of what stressors may cause the biggest toll on you. As chiropractors, our job is to make sure your body has a higher adaptability to everyday stressors so your brain + body can keep communicating optimally!

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