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Why would a baby need to be adjusted?


Here's why.. The business of being born is hard work!

Studies have shown that 99% of babies have some sort of misalignment + fixation to their spine following the birth process. The birthing process is one of the biggest stressors to the delicate upper neck + neurology most of us will endure during a lifetime.

Even in natural, un-intervened child-births, close to 40 lbs of pressure can be put on the infants head and neck. Often times, C-sections, forceps or vacuum deliveries are needed, which dramatically increase the force sustained to this delicate neurology. These interventions can be life saving, but do not come without undue trauma to both mama and baby!

This is why chiropractic is so important for babies! Chiropractic is not just for aches and pains! It’s so much more than that.

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